Awards granted by CAEF-F4 to the students of Fossong-Wentcheng CES and CETIC and these of Fongo-Ndeng High School and CETIC The ceremonies occured on January 8th in the schools' yards.Here is the image gallery of the ceremony in Fossong-Wentcheng, with the presence of the Superior Chief of the groups, his Majesty YMELE II (Click on the pictures to have them wide open) [bg|media/2017/fossong-wentcheng] You can watch the speech of His Majesty during the event: And these are the images taken in Fongo-Ndeng (Click on the pictures to have them wide open) [bg|media/2017/fongo-ndeng] [2018], [2017], [2011], [2010], [2009], [2008], [2006], [2005], [2004], [2003]