June 10, 2005 Awards granted to the students of Fongo-Ndeng high school 1 Award of Excellence (15,000 FCFA for purchase of school supplies) 1 Award to the best students in Mathematics, English, French, and Life Sciences (45 awards) 1 Merit Award for Good Behavior 1 Award for the five highest ranked students of each class (55 awards) 22 awards granted to the highest and second highest ranked students in each class in the form of full tuition scholarship for a year (7,500 FCFA per student). October 16, 2005 Participation of CAEF-F4 to the Day of the Country Woman (Journée de la Femme Rurale) at the chefferie of Fossong-Wentcheng [2018], [2017], [2011], [2010], [2009], [2008], [2006], [2005], [2004], [2003]